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Test Guide - Josh: IRB Process Timeline

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Meeting Dates and Deadlines

The full board of the IRB committee meets every third Wednesday of the month, between 10:30 a.m. -11:20 a.m.

Time for Application Processing

Within seven (7) Heritage University business days of submitting your application to the IRB administrator, you will receive written notification (e.g., e-mail or regular mail) from the administrator confirming that your study submission is:


  1. Submitted to the IRB Chair for review as indicated on your application as an exempt or expedited study; and/or,
  2. Submitted to the IRB Chair for review at the next available IRB meeting; or,
  3. Missing information necessary to complete the administrative review.
  4. Requiring prior review/approval by the Yakama Nation Tribal Council Subcommittee on Education or other Tribal authority prior to IRB review.

Once all the materials are received and the administrative review is complete, the study application and supporting documentation will be submitted to the IRB chair. You will then receive notification from the IRB Chair within fifteen (15) business days, notifying you of one of the following determinations regarding your application:

  1. It is missing information to complete the IRB review; clarifications on research methods are needed.
  2. It requires prior review/approval by the Yakama Nation Tribal Council Subcommittee on Education or other Tribal authority prior to IRB review.
  3. The determination of not “human subjects research” or declaration of “exempt” research has been made.
    1. In which case, you may proceed to conduct your research without further IRB oversight.
    2. Note: If there are any changes or deviations to your research protocol, these must be submitted to the IRB for review.
  4. It was reviewed via the expedited review process with the following action/determination:
  5. It has been added to the next available IRB meeting (no sooner than within 7 days) for discussion/review on this date: _______________.  The Chair may request your attendance at this meeting.  Then, within 5 business days of the meeting, you will receive notification from the IRB chair or administrator the following action/determination:

Note: It is unlawful to conduct human subject research until you have received an approval letter or declaration of exempt by the IRB.  Please click here for the current Academic Calendar to calculate “Business Days.”