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Top 5 Resources in the Dissertation Center

One of them may be just what you are looking for...
1.  Theoretical Framework  2.  Problem Statement   3. Purpose Statement   4. Conceptual Framework  5. Analysis and Coding Example

Welcome to the Dissertation Center

Welcome to the Dissertation Center! The Dissertation Center is a collection of resources to support students in completing their dissertation as part of the Doctoral Student Experience (DSE).  The Dissertation Center is broken up into a collection of guides and each guide supports you in different areas of your dissertation. Navigate to the guides using the blue tabs near the top of the page.  Once in a guide, use the table of contents on the left to navigate within the guide itself. 

Screenshot of the Jump to DSE Guide widget

 Many of the guide homepages also include a Jump to DSE Guide widget in the left   navigation column.  You can use this to easily navigate to another area of the   Dissertation Center.  Just select the page you wish to access from the dropdown   menu and then click the Go button.

How do I know if I should be in the Dissertation Center or the Applied Doctoral Center?

Log into NCUOne and scroll down on the homepage until your find your Upcoming Courses widget.  Look for the courses that begin with DIS.

Course Codes: DIS-9901A/B/C/D, DIS-9902A/B/C/D, DIS-9903A/B/C/D, and DIS-9904A/B/C/D= Dissertation Center

Course Codes: DIS-9911A/B/C/D, DIS-9912A/B/C/D, DIS-9913A/B/C/D, and DIS-9914A/B/C/D= Applied Doctoral Center

Important: If you are working on a project/dissertation-in-practice as part of the Applied Doctoral Experience (ADE), you will find your resources in the Applied Doctoral Center.

Great Start to the DSE

Great Start to the DSE is a guided roadmap of the DSE process and resources available for free. Students can self-enroll in Great Start from their NCUOne homepage.

NCUOne homepage with Learning Toolkit dropdown menu open and red arrows pointed to Great Start Self Registration